COMMUNITY CARE – Maine Respite Services

  • Anywhere

Family Respite thrives because of compassionate neighbors, friends, and community members like you who want to make a difference. By becoming a respite provider, you’ll be joining our mission to support Maine families. Our certified respite providers offer care and engagement for children with higher needs, giving their caregivers the chance to rest and recharge.

Who can become certified to be a respite provider?

–  A family member

–  A family friend, neighbor or community member

–  A teacher or Ed Tech at the child’s school

What do you need to become a respite provider?

–  Be at least 18 years old

–  A high school diploma or GED certificate

–  Pass necessary background checks

–  Complete respite provider training with Community Care

How many hours can a respite provider work per week, and how much do they get paid?

–  Respite providers can work up to 27 hours per week providing respite services.

–  The hourly pay rate is either $17.50 or $15.50 which is based on the child’s identified level

–  Respite can be provided in the family’s home, your home or in the community

–  Working hours are determined between the family’s needs and your schedule and are flexible

Join Our Caring Network and help families lead healthier, happier lives. Be the positive influence that a child needs while giving much-needed relief to their caregivers. Your support can make all the difference.

For more information, or to apply to become a Respite Provider, click on the QR code or visit


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