Medical Radiography Applicant

Applications for EMCC’s associate in science in Medical Radiography are accepted between September 1 and February 1 of each year.  All supporting transcripts must be received by the same deadline. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible to ensure sufficient time to complete the admission process.

Final file review is held through the Medical Radiography Department and Radiography is not considered rolling admissions. Decisions on applications will be announced in March.

In order to be reviewed by the EMCC Medical Radiography Department, applicants must complete (or be currently enrolled in) all program prerequisites and meet established enrollment criteria (see “Selection Process” described below).


Application Checklist

Application for Admission Apply online here
HESI A2 Exam Results Schedule an exam HERE
Transcripts (high school and all prior colleges) Official transcripts for all prior institutions are required.

How to Apply

Application & Supporting Documentation

The following must be received by the Admissions Office prior to file review by the Radiography Admissions Committee:

  • Completed Application for Admission. Apply online here between September 1 and February 1.
  • All previous education transcripts (high school, adult education, and college).*
    • Regardless of whether transfer credit is being sought, applicants must disclose all prior colleges attended. Failure to furnish all information on past education may constitute adequate reason for disqualification of your acceptance or subsequent dismissal from the College as well as possible retraction or denial of financial aid funds.
  • Pre-Admission Test must be completed. (Results will automatically be sent to the Admissions Office if testing at EMCC.)  See testing information below.

All applicants to Medical Radiography who are offered admission to the program will be required to submit to a national criminal background screening process at their expense within 30 days of acceptance. For more complete details regarding this requirement please see Criminal Background Screening If after reading this information you have questions or concerns please contact Stacy Green, at or 207-974-4679.

Admission decisions will be based on an objective ranking system including, but not limited to:  completion of prerequisite courses, grades, pre-admission test scores and attendance at an information session. See more information below.

Program Prerequisites

To be considered for admission, all prerequisites must be successfully completed. Applications of students currently enrolled in prerequisite courses will not be reviewed for admission until a final grade is received. The prerequisites (high school equivalent) required for admission to EMCC’s Medical Radiography program are:

  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Geometry
  • Biology with Lab
  • Chemistry with Lab or Physics (preferred)

*It is the responsibility of the applicant to have the final grades from prerequisite courses taken through adult education or at another college mailed to the Admissions Office. (In determining whether an application is “complete” and ready to be reviewed by the Admissions Committee, adult education transcripts are not considered if admission personnel are not aware that you are currently enrolled in these courses.) Applicants are strongly encouraged to follow up and ensure that all materials have arrived for your file. (Allow sufficient lead time.) Additionally, if you are currently enrolled in prerequisite courses and/or Radiography general education courses, make sure the Admissions Committee is aware of the course name, location, and anticipated completion date.

Radiography Observation

It is recommended that applicants acquaint themselves with the radiography field by spending time in a local hospital radiography department prior to attending an information session.  Allow up to 2 weeks to schedule an observation experience once you contact the hospital.

How to Schedule a Radiography Observation

Applicants may complete their observation at any local hospital/radiography department. Contact the Radiology Manager of the hospital to schedule an appointment.

Applicants who choose to complete their observation at Northern Light/Eastern Maine Medical Center must complete the following steps prior to scheduling their clinical experience appointment:

  1. Complete and submit the EMCC Application for Admission to the EMCC Admissions Office.
  2. Request the opportunity to job shadow in the Radiography Dept. by following this link to the Northern Light EMMC (Eastern Maine Medical Center) Observational Experience webpage
  3. Read the instructions carefully and submit the required documentation. All forms must be returned before you will be contacted to schedule an observational experience at Northern Light EMMC.
  4. After all Medical Center documentation has been completed, the Clinical Coordinator will contact you to set up a radiography observation appointment.

Dress Code During Radiography Observation

For the Radiography observation, applicants are required to dress professionally. Appropriate clothing (such as khakis or dresses/skirts) and comfortable shoes are acceptable attire.

  • Makeup may be worn in moderation. In accordance with hospital policy, perfume/after-shave may not be used.
  • For all applicants, hair must be neat, clean, dry, and professional in appearance. For male applicants, hair in excess of chin length must be pulled back. Male applicants may wear neatly trimmed mustaches and/or beards; otherwise, they must be clean-shaven.
  • The following are unacceptable: blue jeans, torn pants, tight shirts, belly shirts, halter tops, shirts/T-shirts with inappropriate logos, sandals, open-toed shoes, any facial jewelry or visible tattoos, gum chewing, dirty hair and/or nails, and body odor.

HESI A2 Exam Information

An important part of the application process is the HESI A2 Exam that is required of all applicants. In order to schedule a date to take this exam at EMCC, you must first submit an Application for Admission! If program prerequisites are not complete, it is not advisable for you to take the pre-admission test. 

Examinees are responsible for reviewing testing instructions and information prior to arriving on test day. 

The Admissions Committee strongly recommends exploring all of the resources available regarding the exam. To further prepare, use any SAT preparation guide or the “Master the GED” guide by Arco.

More study resources include:

  • to review math concepts
  • The EMCC Bookstore (operated by Barnes and Noble) has a study guide available for purchase. The HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review by Elsevier (ISBN# 978-0-323-58226-1) for a cost of $44.95.

Examinees who require testing accommodations due to a disability should contact our Director of Learning Support, 207-974-4868, or by email at In order for us to make appropriate accommodations, the appropriate forms must be on file prior to scheduling a date to test.

Test Dates and How to Schedule

HESI A2 exams for Medical Radiography applicants will be administered several times between approximately November and February. The cost of the exam will be $60, payable on the day of the exam. To schedule a date to take the HESI A2 exam, please see the link in the table above. The delivery method for this exam will be in-person on the EMCC campus.

Information Session

Admissions Committee members will thoroughly review and evaluate all completed applications to determine each applicant’s qualifications for admission. Those individuals selected to attend an information session with Admissions Committee members, senior Radiography students and other candidates, will be notified via email. Sessions will be scheduled in-person (as the pandemic permits). Please “mark you calendar” for potential info sessions dates*. Anticipated dates are TBD for the fall 2025 enrollment term.

*All info sessions are by invite only.

Final Decisions

Applicants are notified via mail of the Admissions Committee’s final decision. Candidates who are placed on a waiting list may be selected for admission at any time prior to approximately July 1 of that same year. Those applicants not selected will be required to reapply for the following year.

Primary Contacts for Admission Questions

The Admissions Committee respectfully requests that all questions concerning the Medical Radiography admission process and transfer credit be directed as follows (e-mail preferred in all instances):

  • Application Documentation Received
    • Log in to MyEMCC student portal to monitor receipt of required documentation.
  • Selection Process Questions (Stacy Green, Associate Director of Enrollment Operations)
  • Transfer Credit Questions (Elizabeth Castro, Transfer Coordinator)
  • Questions regarding being a student in the program (Heather Merrill, Program Director)