“I had an amazing experience the past two years, and I made another family at EMCC. Thank you for providing me with a great program to learn and prepare for this next journey.”
Career Resources
At Eastern Maine Community College, we want to help our students succeed. College faculty often work with students to secure employment within their technologies. Below are resources to help with your career search.
Connect with us on LinkedIn
If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, now is the perfect opportunity to create your own! You can follow our page, list yourself as an EMCC alumnus, and connect with other alumni, employers, and community leaders.
USA JOBS “Working For America”
A One-stop portal for a range of employment opportunities for students within the Federal Government, whether you are in high school, college, or graduate school.
FAME’s Career Search
Allows you to find careers and colleges that match your personality traits or to simply review a particular career or college to access compatibility with your interests.
Outlook Handbook (OHH)
For hundreds of different types of jobs, The Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you the training and education needed; earnings; expected job prospects; what workers do on the job; and working conditions. In addition, the Handbook gives you job search tips, links to information about the job market in each State, and more.