Distinguished Alumni Award Nominations

A new alumni tradition began in conjunction with the College’s 50th anniversary. In recognition of graduates who have been positive role models, involved in their community, exhibited accomplishments in their field, and enhanced the quality of EMCC, the Distinguished Alumni Award is presented during the Distinguished Alumni Dinner.

Each year following the EMCC Alumni Association we will present the Distinguished Alumni Award to one or more EMCC/EMVTI/EMTC alumni. EMCC/EMVTI/EMTC alumni are invited to place themselves or other EMCC/EMVTI/EMTC alumni in nomination for this award, recognizing that we have many alumni whose accomplishments are worthy, but we are only able to honor one or two persons each year.

Eastern Maine Community College Criteria for Distinguished Alumni Award:

  • Membership in the Alumni Association, as defined in Alumni Association by-laws (this currently is defined as EMCC/EMVTI/EMTC graduates or alumni who have accrued 3 hours while students at EMTC, before having withdrawn from the institution.)
  • Demonstrated achievement within their field of work or expertise.
  • Significant community-based service as a board member or key volunteer at community or non-profit agencies, hospitals, or schools.
  • Demonstrated commitment to Eastern Maine Community College. This commitment may include philanthropic contributions, volunteer service, and/or service as a past employee. Current college employees may not be nominated for this award.
  • The ability to attract attendees to the Distinguished Alumni Award Dinner. In general, nominees must be residents of Eastern Maine or nearby areas, however, from time to time, the Alumni Association may choose to honor nominees who are not residents of Eastern Maine.


In addition to the above criteria, the nominee must be able to attend the Distinguished Alumni Dinner and also Commencement. The award recipient will give a short address to the graduating students at Commencement.

Nomination submissions must be received by April 1. If you would like to nominate someone, please complete the award nomination form below or contact the EMCC Alumni Association Staff.