“I chose to attend EMCC because of the affordability and closeness to home but more importantly because of the program selection! What I like the most about the school is that the community is really supportive and full of opportunities if you just take them!”
Dual Enrollment
Eastern Maine Community College has many opportunities available for high school students to get a jump on their college education.
Students enrolled in publicly funded high schools or home-schooled in Maine are permitted to take up to a total of 12 credits annually, no more than 6 credits per semester, tuition, and fee free. Students are responsible for the cost of the textbook and course material. Enrollment in classes at multiple post-secondary institutions during the same term is permitted.
Talk to your guidance counselor at either your high school or your local CTE center to learn more.
To determine eligibility and see what courses are available, begin the registration process today! http://oncourse.mccs.me.edu
Questions? Contact Hope Holyoke, hholyoke@mainecc.edu
The On Course for College program offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to enroll in college courses at EMCC.