Embark is a high school-to-college transition program designed to help high school students who could be undecided about their future learn more about their college options. Embark offers individualized encouragement and guidance through the college admissions process and personalized financial aid support. Learn more about Embark here.
Embark students who do choose to attend a Maine community college are then eligible for a two-year scholarship and continued personalized support and guidance in college. High schools select students to participate in their junior year and then nominate seniors for the scholarship opportunity. The program is offered in over 80 high schools statewide. For more information, ask your high school guidance counselor or email info@embark.me.edu.
Embark staff serving the EMCC region:
Paige Doble
Regional Access Director, Embark
Phone: 207.615.1897 | Email: pdoble@emcc.edu