Automotive Technology

Associate in Applied Science Degree (65 credit hours)
Certificate (33 credit hours)
Academic Requirements for Admission:
A.A.S. Degree: High School Level Algebra I required. Algebra II, Geometry, and either Physics or Chemistry with Lab desired.
Certificate: High School Level Algebra I required.
Program Overview:
The Automotive Technology program provides theoretical foundations, practical education, and work experience in the engineering, testing, servicing, troubleshooting and repairing of automobiles. The program is accredited by the ASE Education Foundation and offers instruction in all eight areas of Automotive Repair. The curriculum follows the ASE Education Foundation standards, and instructs students in all aspects of automotive repair in the major automotive brands. The instruction is aimed at ASE technician certification exams and helps students prepare to sit for them. In addition, the program is Maine’s only MOPAR Career Automotive Program, (MCAP) Local program. Students that attend the program will have to choose one of three manufacture training programs to study.
Students may choose the Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram and Fiat curriculum, becoming MOPAR level one certified technicians at the completion of the program. This affords the student the opportunity to work for a MOPAR dealership, if they have desire to, and begin doing warranty repair for the dealership day one of their employment. Additionally, students may elect to place their name in national data base of MCAP graduates, affording them opportunity to be recruited by dealers from across the nation.
Students may choose to study the Subaru University curriculum, in place of the MCAP curriculum. As with the MCAP curriculum, students will become Subaru Level One certified technicians by the end of the program. Students choosing this path will be provided with the option to choose a Subaru Dealership to complete their internship in, and ultimately to work in.
Students may choose to study the GM Step program. GM STEP also provides graduating students an opportunity to be hired as entry-level Maintenance Light Repair (MLR) technicians or other roles within the dealer they partnered with.
In addition to the MCAP, Subaru and GM curriculums, students may, at their option choose, to complete a Toyota curriculum, providing them with yet one more opportunity for their career.
Graduates are employed as automotive service technicians, sales personnel, service managers, maintenance supervisors, service writers, warranty claims adjusters, and parts persons.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Graduates with the Associate in Applied Science Degree will function at an entry-level position for servicing, diagnosing, repairing, and creating work orders in the following areas:
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive electrical/electronic systems.
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive suspension and steering systems.
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive brake systems.
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive engines.
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive engine performance systems.
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive manual transmissions and drivetrains.
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive automatic transmissions.
- Perform tasks to diagnose and repair components of automotive heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Students are tested with standard written tests as well as hands-on testing that coincide with the assigned textbook, NATEF standards, as well as industry standards in each area. Students must pass Automotive courses with a grade of C or higher to count for graduation.
Recent graduates of the program are employed as automotive services technicians, service managers, maintenance supervisors, service writers, warranty claims adjusters, and parts personnel.
A valid driver’s license and a clean criminal background are required in order to complete all graduation requirements. Failure to furnish a valid license may have an impact on employability in the field. Questions concerning this requirement should be directed to Chris Davis, Department Chair, at or 207.974.4803.
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EMCC does not currently conduct criminal background screening for applicants to Automotive Technology; however, individuals who have engaged in certain criminal activity could be denied access to gainful employment in their intended field. Additionally, licensing boards for certain professions may deny the individual the opportunity to sit for an examination if they have been convicted of certain crimes. Individuals who have engaged in any activity which may be considered abuse, neglect or exploitation of a minor or of an incapacitated or dependent adult, or who have been convicted of any crime involving fraud or dishonesty, or drugs, or for which imprisonment of on year or more has been imposed are urged to seek clarification from the Director of Admissions prior to an application submission.