Medical Office Technology
This Certificate in Medical Office Technology is designed to prepare students for employment in physicians’ offices, clinics, hospitals, and other health care facilities. With the ever-changing medical climate, the demand for trained office professionals in health care is growing. This program will prepare students to be proficient in a number of vital skill areas including medical coding and billing, medical insurance, health record maintenance, scheduling, and software applications. All classes will be in the online synchronous format to allow for statewide participation.
Upon completion of the recommended curriculum in the certificate in Medical Office Technology, the graduate is prepared to:
- Demonstrate skill using software applications to compose documents using appropriate formatting, editing, and language skills;
- Recognize and use medical terminology;
- Assign appropriate diagnosis and procedure codes using ICD-10-CM and CPT;
- Schedule appointments, record patient information, file insurance claims, manage accounts receivable, and process insurance claim forms adhering to legal restrictions; and
- Describe security, privacy, and confidentiality policies and laws.
Qualify for medical office positions in clinics, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and home health care facilities.
- Algebra I
- Lab biology